Saturday, May 20, 2017

Meri Pyari Bindu - falling in love with a film

As the film neared its end, a character speaks a dialogue - "aise bhi ek love story me tum kya naya likh loge?"
This is a simple dialogue which you will hardly notice in a pretty simple scene, from a simplistic film. But if you have been noticing things, this simple dialogue has depth. Like the scene. Like the film. Meri Pyari Bindu lives up to the idea in this film - there isn't really anything new left to say, as far as the love stories go. How we say it is what really matters! So how does the film speak to us?
"abhi na jaao chhodkar ki dil abhi bhara nahi", is a key song, like many others, which find a mention in the film. The choice of this wonderful song has an additional aspect that the male lead is named Abhi in the film, one of those tiny details, among various others in the film. The film has a music of its own, even in moments which have no songs. It is poetic in its narrative, especially the beginning which seems straight out of a nice novel. It is so everyday and everyone-like, in so many of its aspects, that if you get attached to he film, you find it difficult to let it go. This key song "dil abhi nahi bhara" seems so apt for the film when it ends, when you don't want it to.
I wanted the film to go on and on, and on, like life.Even with its shortcomings, yet so dear to us, felt so very special. Like life. Meri Pyari Bindu may not be one of the most perfect films. When you critically analyse it through the several lenses of screenwriting wisdom, one may find drawbacks in it. But as I said, for many like us, this film is like life. We are just grateful that it exists, and we are going to love it. For me personally, the film did not work only on a few moments when it tried too hard to be funny. Apart from it, it worked. It worked like magic.
A character who tries to become a writer, post his MBA, and is significantly immersed in the memories of a lost love (and a lost lover), is obviously relatable for me at so many levels. But this is just one point. What works is not how special these characters are, but on the contrary, how ordinary they are. A girl who chases her dreams to become a singer, but ends up being just another home maker. A guy who attains fame as a writer, but ends up with works which are hardly anything to be proud of. They are confused, vulnerable, fall in and out of love, and make mistakes. They end up losing each other, despite so many reasons in the film, and in their lives, which make us believe that they were meant to be. But then, this is an ordinary story about ordinary people. It is like life. Beautiful, and heartbreaking.
In a lot of ways, it lacks the dramatic structure of an usual film. Instead it has the flow of a novel, the graph of a literary work. The characters embark upon a journey, and what follows is a sequence of minor conflicts, small coincidences, gradual rise and fall of emotions and aspirations. Once the characters get introduced to each other, what follows includes childhood crush, one sided love, beautiful friendship, silly adventures, dreamy eyed teenage, confused adolescence, choices made and mistakes that happened, moments to remember and acts to forget, and above all - a love story to cherish, despite its vulnerabilities. I don't think one would want to blame either of the two for the way things shaped up, though both have made their fair share of mistakes. Because, that is what people do. In life, and even in love.
Abhi is writing a story during the film, the story which is primarily the story of this film itself. In the end however, we find that Abhi's story has a happy ending, which does not happen in the film. He mentions that it is happy endings that work, but then that is not how things work in life. And in a film which mirrors life so well, we have an ending which breaks our heart. Ironically, we see the two of them dancing and laughing together, and yet it is these visuals which remind you of any and every heartbreak that you may have had. Of people you loved, yet lost. Just like Abhi lost his pyari Bindu!
The film is musical, and poetic, in more ways than one. The visuals of the room on the terrace, the branches of the tree that connected the houses, and those emergency rings on the phone - these are not merely plot points - if it works, it is all poetry, that swallows you in.
Bollywood nostalgia lives and breathes throughout the film. Not only does Bindu derive her name from a popular song, she names her daughter after a song too. There are several moments where these songs have been beautifully used. When the two characters talk after an interval of 2 years, when Bindu informs Abhi of how he is going to lose her, forever - the song playing (ironically) is Kabhi kabhi mere dil me khyaal aata hai. Also a particularly brilliant dialogue which deserves a special mention is the one towards the end, when Abhi describes his love for Bindu - and the metaphors include various things we have all lived and cherished - is something worth remembering. Also, the film, in another dialogue, reminded us that we should always leave space for one final happy song in our lives (reference - the cassette they make)
There are other factors which have a role to play in the film. The supporting characters add a lot of color to the film, the music is often nice, but sometimes ends up being a little unimpressive. Kolkata comes out beautifully amidst an often, overly stereotypical Bengali treatment.
All of us have had our shares of emotions and memories that the film is about - childhood crushes to falling in love to encouraging your love to making mistakes to being heartbroken to going on with your life. Meri Pyari Bindu is about all of that. In the film, they make a cassette of songs, which have a significant value in their lives. Their idea is that these songs may or may not be the best of the songs, but these songs are about them, their lives. So it will always be special. This is what the film is - it may or may not be the best of the films, but it is about a lot of us, and about a lot of things in our lives - and hence it will always remain special. At least, I can speak for myself. This is a film, I will want to watch over and over again, in years to come, so many times.
Meri Pyari Bindu is definitely going to be present in my list of all time favorites. In all honesty, am a little pained by the fact that it did not work really well with the audience, but for the moment, I am just going to be happy that the world of cinema has a film like this. Meri Pyari Bindu :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

अनारकली ऑफ आरा!!

मैं सुन रहा हूँ, कई लोगो को कहते हुए की आरा एक मनगढ़ंत जगह का नाम है, जो फिल्म में इस्तेमाल हुआ है| ऐसा नही है, आरा बेशक एक जगह है| बिहार में है| जो लोग वाकिफ ना हो, उनके लिए एक रोचक “रिफरेन्स” है इसका हमारे पास| “लगावेलु जब लिपिस्टीक” तो लगभग सबने सुनी ही है, उसमे लिपस्टिक लगाने पे जो डिस्ट्रिक्ट हिलता है, वो आरा ही है (हिलेला आरा डिस्ट्रिक्ट), बाकी आगे तो आप जानते ही हो|
कहानी इसी आरा वाली अनारकली की है| फिल्म क्या है, समझ लीजिये एक उदाहरण है| अगर आपको कभी किसी को समझाना हो की सिनेमा क्यों, और कैसी होनी चाहिए, तो हाल फिलहाल के फिल्मों में जो कुछ नाम सबसे सटीक तौर पे मिसाल बन सकते है, उनमे ये फिल्म भी है|
फिल्म में अपनी मिट्टी है, मिट्टी की ज़बान है, ज़बान की खुशबू है, खुशबू बहती है, और अपनी बात क्या खूब कहती है| फिल्म में सच्चे किरदार है, कुछ गलत कुछ अच्छे किरदार है, अपनी आबोहवा में सांस लेता लहजा है इनका, इनका ढंग है, गीत है संगीत है उदासी है रंग है!
अनारकली की दो बातें ख़ास है, एक की वो कलाकार है| और उससे बढ़कर, की वो एक बहुत बहादुर लड़की है| कुछ हालातों से रूबरू होने पर वो जो हिम्मत और सोच दिखाती है, उससे ये कहानी आरा की एक मामूली सी लड़की की कहानी से फिल्म जगत की अहम कहानियों में से एक, में तब्दील हो जाती है| शुक्र है स्वरा भास्कर जैसी अभिनेत्रियाँ अपने पास है जो इस तरह के किरदार को इस कमाल के साथ जी सकती है| इससे बेहतर एक्टिंग अगर इस साल हमको हिंदी सिनेमा में देखने को अगर मिला, तो कुछ बहुत ही ज्यादा कमाल देखने को मिलेगा|
ये फिल्म कुछ लोगो को अश्लील लग सकती है| पर ये वो ही लोग होंगे जिनको मंटो की कहानियाँ अश्लील लगेंगी| मंटो की कहानियाँ भी उनको अश्लील लगती थी जिनको साहित्य की समझ नही थी| फिल्म में उतना ही भद्दापन है, जितना हमारे गली मोहल्ले सड़कों पर, इधर उधर, सोच में बातों में हरकतों में, बिखरा पड़ा हुआ है| दरअसल फिल्म तो मासूमियत को बयान करती है| पर उस मासूमियत को ज़रूरी इज्ज़त नहीं मिलती तो उसका गुस्सा, और उसकी बहादुरी भी तो उभर के आएगी| सो आती है|
फिल्म में बुरे मर्द है| पर बहुत अछे, और प्यारे मर्द भी है| हिरामन को गले लगाने का आपका जी करेगा, और वीसी साहब को चप्पल मारने का भी|
स्वरा के अभिनय के साथ साथ, फिल्म की सबसे बड़ी ताकत है इसकी बोली, और इसका संगीत| लगभग पिछले पांच सालों में मसान जैसे इक्का दुक्का फिल्मों के अलावा इस दर्जे का संगीत अपने सिनेमा में कम ही रहा है| कला, संस्कृति और लोक व्यवहार के तमाम बातों को घोल घाल के फिल्म का म्यूजिक एल्बम तैयार हुआ है, और ऐसा हुआ है की कई मायनों में ऐतिहासिक है| अगर इसके सारे गानों के विडियो एक के बाद एक थिएटर में चला दिए जाए, तो वो भी एक देखने लायक फिल्म होगी – ये इतना बेहतरीन है| वो ही घोल, वो मिश्रन इसकी बोली में, बातों में भर भर के झलकता है| मजेदार है बहुत|
घूम फिरके बात वो ही है सीधी से| अनारकली ऑफ आरा वो ही है, एक उदाहरण| जैसे फिल्म की अनारकली एक उदाहरण है, हमारे समाज के लिए, ये फिल्म उदाहरण है हमारे फिल्म जगत के लिए| अरे, वो ही उदाहरण, की सिनेमा क्यों, और कैसी होनी चाहिए – ऐसी होनी चाहिए!!
अगर आप फ़िल्में देखते ही नही, तो कोई बात नही| देखते है, तो कम से कम ये फिल्म तो ज़रूर देखनी चाहिए| बस इंटरवल के बाद फिल्म ज़रा धीमी होती है, पर वहाँ मामला हिरामन जी की शर्मीली मुस्कान संभाल लेती है| बाकी तो गर्दा है एकदम| जैसा हिरामन जी फिल्म में कहती है – अरे अपने लिए नहीं, तो देश के लिए फिल्म देख लीजिये :)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Lyrics We Love (1960-65)

The idea, depicted by the hashtag  #lyricswelove, saw several participants on facebook lately. yesterday evening, I joined the fun, and posted examples of certain lyrics that I have liked. All the examples were from the films released between 1960-65. A total of 43 songs find a mention here, I am posting a compilation of the same as a blog post here :)

The idea has several aspects to it. There is an obvious nostalgia associated for people who will be able to identify most of these songs. For quite a few others, it is also about discovering certain new songs, which they may not have come across or given enough attention to. But I feel the most interesting part of this concept is that, we pay attention to the words of the song. We realize that so many songs, had such beautiful lines, so many beautiful thoughts that we may not have noticed earlier - even for several songs which may have loved and enjoyed. For the love of lyrics - The Lyrics we love. Join the journey folks! Feel free to post your views and reactions here, especially if you have a query about any song/lyrics in particular!

उतना ही उपकार समझ कोई जितना साथ निभा दे... 

ये भोग भी एक तपस्या है, तुम त्याग के मारे क्या जानो? (sahir)

संसार से भागे फिरते हो, भगवान को तुम क्या पाओगे?

जिंदा रहने के मौसम बहुत है मगर, जान देने की रुत रोज़ आती नही..

मैं ये सोचकर उसके दर से उठा था, की वो रोक लेगी,मना लेगी मुझको... (heartbreak)

जीवन के सफ़र में तन्हाई, 
मुझको तो न ज़िंदा छोड़ेगी, 
मरने की खबर,ऐ जान-ए-जिगर, 
मिल जाए कभी तो मत रोना...

हम छोड़ चले है महफ़िल को, 
याद आये कभी तो मत रोना...

बंद कमरे में जो खत मेरे जलाए होंगे,
एक एक हर्फ़ जबीं पर उभर आया होगा...
सर ना काँधे से, सहेली के उठाया होगा...
ज़ुल्फ़ जिद करके किसी ने जो बनायी होगी...
(same song)

हो के मजबूर मुझे उसने भुलाया होगा...

जीने वाले सोच ले, यही वक़्त है, कर ले पूरे आरज़ू...

जो तुमसे है मेरे हमदम, भगवान से भी वो आस नहीं...

तुम भी किसी से प्यार करो तो, 
प्यार गुल और बुलबुल सा करना...

एक था गुल, और एक थी बुलबुल, दोनों चमन में रहते थे...

ये पत्थर है, ये नही रोते...
परदेसियों से न अँखियाँ मिलाना...
(antara - mukhda)

एक सूरत भोली भाली है, दो नैना सीधे सादे है...

मेरी खुशियाँ ही ना बाँटे, मेरे ग़म भी सहना चाहे,
देखे न ख़्वाब वो महलों के, मेरे दिल में रहना चाहे...

इस जहाँ के लिए,धरती माँ के लिए,
शिव का वरदान हूँ, मैं तुम्हारी तरह...

चाहूँगा मैं तुझे, सांझ सवेरे,
फिर भी कभी अब,नाम को तेरे,
आवाज़ मैं ना दूँगा...

तेरे हुस्न की क्या तारीफ करूँ,
कुछ कहते हुए भी डरता हूँ,
कहीं भूल से तू न समझ बैठे,
की मैं तुझसे मोहब्बत करता हूँ...
(best flirting)

अगर मुझसे मोहब्बत है, मुझे सब अपने ग़म दे दो...
शरीक-ए-ज़िंदगी को क्यों शरीक-ए-ग़म नही करते,
दुखों को बाँट कर क्यों, दुखों को कम नहीं करते...
(same song)

दोस्त दोस्त ना रहा, प्यार प्यार ना रहा (memorable)

एक चीज़ क़यामत भी है,लोगों से सुना करते थे,
तुम्हें देखके हमने माना,वो ठीक कहा करते थे!

अधूरा हूँ मैं अफसाना, जो याद आये चले आना 

जीवन सीमा के आगे भी,
आऊँगी मैं संग तुम्हारे...
रुक जा रात, ठहर जा रे चन्दा....

मेरे महबूब तुझे मेरी मोहब्बत की कसम,
मेरा खोया हुआ, रंगीन नज़ारा दे दे...
भूल सकती नही आँखें वो सुहाना मंज़र,
जब तेरा हुस्न,मेरे इश्क से टकराया था!
(antara - mukhda)

मत खेल जल जायेगी,
कहती है आग मेरे मन की,
मैं बंदिनी पिया की,
मैं संगिनी हूँ साजन की...

मन की किताब से तुम,
मेरा नाम ही मिटा देना,
गुण तो ना था कोई भी,
अवगुण मेरे भुला देना...

तेरा मेरा प्यारा अमर,
फिर क्यों मुझको लगता है डर...
मेरे दोनों बाहों में,
जैसे आसमान है,
चलती हूँ मैं तारों पर...
(same song)

ओ जाने वाले, हो सके तो लौट के आना...

वो अफसाना जिसे अंजाम तक लाना न हो मुमकिन,
उसे एक खूबसूरत मोड़ देकर छोड़ना अच्छा...

चलो एक बार फिर से अजनबी बन जाए हम दोनों... 

ये मौसम ये रात चुप है,
ये होंठों की बात चुप है,
खामोशी सुनाने लगी है दास्ताँ...

मुझे ग़म भी उनका अजीज़ है, 
की उन्हीं की दी हुई चीज़ है...

कहीं दिल न मेरा,ये तारीफ सुनकर,
तुम्हारा बने, और मुझे भूल जाए !!

मेरा हक़ था तेरी आँखों की छलकती मय पर,
चीज़ अपनी थी, परायी तो नही माँगी थी...

मेरे सीने, में भी दिल है,
है मेरे भी कुछ अरमां,
मुझे पत्थर, तो न समझो,
मैं हूँ आखिर एक इन्सां...
(yahoo, junglee) 

गर्दन है इक, झुकी हुई, डाली गुलाब की...

तुमने मुझको हँसना सिखाया, रोने कहोगे, रो लेंगे अब...

आओ मेहनत को अपना ईमान बनाए,
अपने हाथों को अपना भगवान बनाए,
राम की इस भूमि को,गौतम की धरती को,
सपनों से भी प्यारा हिन्दुस्तान बनाए...

मुझे एक जगह आराम नही,
रुक जाना मेरा काम नही,
मेरा साथ कहाँ तक दोगी तुम,
मैं देस-बिदेस का बंजारा !!

हम तो समझे थे के हम भूल गए है उनको,
क्या हुआ आज ये किस बात पे रोना आया!

ज्यादा की नहीं लालच हमको, थोड़े में गुज़ारा होता है

घूँघट में जब चाँद था, मेहंदी लगी थी पाँव..

यही कहोगे तुम सदा, के दिल अभी नहीं भरा...

तुम्हें याद होगा, कभी हम मिले थे...
अगर ज़िन्दगी हो, अपने ही बस में,
तुम्हारी कसम हम, न भूले वो कसमें..

आँखों में सारी रात जायेगी,
तुमको भी कैसे नींद आएगी?
हम मिट चले है जिनके लिए,
बिन कुछ कहे,वो चुप-चुप रहे..

मुबारकें तुम्हे की तुम, किसी के नूर हो गए,
किसी के इतने पास हो,के सबसे दूर हो गए

मोहब्बत का छोटा सा,मंदिर बनाके,
तुझे रात-दिन, पूजना चाहता हूँ !!
रिवाजों की परवाह, न रस्मों का डर है,
तेरी आँख के, फैसले पे, नज़र है !!
(same song, best duet)

जाने बहार तुम किसी शायर का ख़्वाब हो

हाय वो रेशमी जुल्फों से बरसता पानी,
फूल से गालों पे रुकने को,तरसता पानी

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pink - one of the finest works in recent times

Right from writing certain answers in the school days, to expressing my views on certain topics now, I feel when it feels like a challenging task, just go point by point. So here are my points about the movie Pink:
- Let us not forget, for a moment, that it is an extremely well made film. Even with all the right intentions, a work of art has to be executed well, to produce the required impact. The film succeeds in doing so
- The film produces a realistic touch, and is thrilling at the same time. Very few films (ex Madras Cafe) are able to achieve this.
- The realism is an output of cinematic tools, as well as the characters. The characters are well written, well acted, and for most of the film, it is this realism that sucks us into the film
- The above points are more important as far as the male audience is concerned. Because an extremely crucial point of relatability, one of the strongest points of the film, will work more on the female audience (which is logical).
- The practical treatment of the issue: In the usual discourse concerning the women, we tend to start glorifying them (using tools like the Female Goddesses, the roles as mothers and sisters etc). This film presents them simply as human, and looks at the real issues faced, and talks of the practicalities involved in handling them.
- The film has to take a moral stand on several points. That has been well done, and it is a combined effort of the writer, film maker and Amitabh as a performer largely. Well made points.
- In all these debates of women safety, misuse of laws by women is a point that keeps (and will keep on)emerging. And one has to realise, it is as much a daily reality as the issues faced by the women. Where this film succeeds (and largely at a subconscious level), is in maintaining a level of suspense about what actually transpired that day. It is largely known, but there is some amount of doubt that is maintained throughout the film. At some level, the film manages to convey that it is not simply about agreeing to the female point of view, but about the well deserved justice at the end of the day
- The film basically and rightfully targets the "mentality" issue. It was important to show that guy as a highly educated guy. In fact it would have been even better if he was shown as the son of a rich successful business maybe (and not necessarily a politician). Polished urban background of these guys is important, because it is a harsh reality. We have all seen enough such guys, around us, from the best of educational institutes with exactly such mindset.
- I guess it deserves to be mentioned as a separate point, that even if it was in just one line, there was a statement made about the requirement of consent in marriages also (marital rape)
Pink is a fine work of cinema. It picks up a relevant topic, picks up a premise which has sufficient scope, and does justice to it - in terms of the cinematography and music, which play a big role in building up the tension and creating the impact, the direction which is up to the mark for such a challenging film, the performances which are so believable. I think the biggest winner is the writer. This is a dream script, and the guy (yes, film has been written by a guy) should be really really proud of himself.
There are a couple of points where you may feel that it could have been better, or it was kind of redundant (the initial behavior of Amitabh). But overall Pink is brilliant. Saying that it is a must watch is also an understatement. I feel this is a film that deserves to be seen twice, at least.

Bollywood Nostalgia - Haasil

Certain films achieved most of its fame and recognition, much after it got released. However, this does not mean that all such films have got the respect that they deserved. Haasil is one such film.
Over the years, it has made a name for itself, yet not many people truly realize what a landmark it was. The characterization was the strongest point, backed by a story which had a number of relevant points. This is a rare film where casteist discourse is rampant - making it ever so important, because it speaks the language that continues to be spoken, yet hardly visible in the films. Of course, with college politics as the background, the film goes on to make a number of political statements.
The film is dark and gritty, like really really, seriously gritty. You wouldn't really call it a thriller, but literally speaking, it is one. The film is largely remembered for its moments, which largely emerge from the examples of characterizations, which make this film a case study in itself. The other aspect is an eye for detailing, the minute actions and reactions, which are visible throughout the film. One aspect is the location and setup of multiple scenes, which add up to the overall impact (for example the climax scene which was the first thing that the director shot)
And well it goes without saying, that even with so many positives, the discovery of an acting superstar is indeed the strongest point of the film. If we were to talk about the negative characters which would make you root for them, I don't think there can be any character which would beat Ranvijay Singh of Haasil, in fact I should say Irrfan Khan cast as Ranvijay Singh in the film (no, not even Shahrukh of Darr)
This is the best of cinema. Cult film, may be yet to be recognized as one. I hope it is, some day.
P.S: Saw it 8 years back. Itni special nahi lagi thi. Aaj fir dekhi. Ab lagi. 

MAMI Film Festival 2016 Experience - Oct 21 to Oct 27

Mami Film Festival madness came to an end on 27 Oct evening. 7 days. 35 films, from 19 countries. (a few left incomplete because of timing constraints, and in a couple of rare instances, because the film was really bad)
Around 4-5 films left me unhappy, a few others unsatisfied, but most of it was quite a treat. Of course, we had too many options, and too little time, and at times, too much rush. Tried to soak in as much as possible. There was a moment on day 5, when I simply left the theater, went out for the evening, as I genuinely felt drained out(also Day 4 and 5 had been pretty ordinary). That actually helped, and was followed by 2 wonderful, wonderful days.
My favorite 10 from the Festival:
1. I Daniel Blake: the way individual scenes had a graph of their own, is something that will stay with me for quite a while
2. After the Storm: The most refreshing film from the festival. One liners, and observational humor at its best
3. Elle: unique critique of Christianity, with a twisted story line. extremely dark and extremely humorous at the same time.
4. Clash: The topic, the execution, the scale. Another film from the festival which was liked by one and all
5. Graduation: This I would rate above The Salesman, because this mix of absolute simplicity and brilliant intensity, is what everyone expected from Farhadi, but this film delivered all that, and more. Masterpiece on human drama, though with an ending which surely leaves you uncomfortable
6. The Salesman: The most hyped film in the festival. The last 30 minutes ensured that it does live up to that hype
7. Tower: the intensity, the tension, the unique execution of a documentary. The second film that I saw in the festival,and the first that I had loved
8. Barakah Meets Barakah: Sociopolitical comedy from Saudi Arabia, and one of the most important films in the festival
9. Kagaz Ki Kashti: Did not expect a Jagjit Singh documentary to have the kind of impact that it did, pure magic
10. Fukushima Mon Amor: Hidden gem of the festival, kind of a discovery because the film never was one of the most talked about films of the festival. Yet I feel it was one of the most beautiful films with all the cinematic ingredients in a perfect mix
Little Prince. Goodbye Berlin. Endless Poetry. Neruda. The Golden Wing. When two worlds collide. Donald Cried. My Life as a Zuchini: Some other films that I loved
Anatomy of Violence, Ahamaq, Personal Shopper, Vampir Cuadecuc, Echo were few films that really did not work for me at all. Enjoyed watching Shah Rukh in Ahamaq, showing how he managed to make such pathetic writing also tolerable with his energy and enthusiasm. Mostly Sunny was somewhat disappointing, because I expected more from a documentary on such a fascinating, multi-faceted character. Sandstorm seemed a seriously over hyped film, while Cinema Travelers is neither as good as its fans would say, nor as bad as the people disliking it would opine.
Should take a day off to simply sit and reflect on the past week, and all that was experienced. Experience to cherish. And above all, even with its' share of shortcomings, it was a job very well done by the organizers 

Gar Baazi Ishq ki Baazi hai...

One of the interesting aspects of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil are the references to a few examples of Urdu poetry.
Aaj jaane ki zid na karo is quite popular, and finds its' two versions being used in the film. Also, there is a reference to the Faiz nazm "mujhse wo pehli si mohabbat mere mehboob mat maang". This is also a very popular poem
However there is one sher which is not as widely known. It is the one that Srk recites. Again, the ghazal is by Faiz, and has actually been used in this lesser known, yet brilliant song.
Do listen to this rare gem, which has the Sher towards its end :)